Monday, June 15, 2015

Here's where to watch Microsoft's Xbox event at E3 2015

If you're an Xbox fan, today is the day you've been waiting for. Microsoft's getting ready to show us what's next for the platform, live from E3 2015 in Los Angeles. Will we learn additional details about Halo 5​: Guardians? There's a good chance. Or, perhaps, the company plans to talk more about its recently announced partnership with Oculus -- new VR experiences? Either way, you can watch it all unfold via TwitchYouTube or the Xbox E3 website. For your convenience, there's an embed after the break, but don't forget to join our liveblog, where we'll be bringing you the news as it happens. The event starts at 12:30PM ET.

$299 buys you the ergonomic keyboard your wrists deserve

There are plenty of ergonomic keyboards, but the creators of Keyboardio believe that theirs is the only one that a serious typist should buy. It's been created by Jesse Vincent, a name familiar to anyone involved with the Perl community, who has spent more than two years researching the most comfortable way to type words. That's why the hardware comes in this exaggerated butterfly-style layout with heavily customized keycaps covering mechanical keys. Surrounding the outside is a maple wood exterior that, Vincent believes, makes it the first computer accessory made to "heirloom grade."

Open-source and customization are at the heart of everything behind the Keyboardio, so you can set the Model 01 at a variety of heights or split the two halves completely, should you choose. Beneath each of the custom keycaps you'll find a programmable LED as well as a mechanical keyswitch from Canadian company Matias. In fact, these are the same switches that you'll find in that company's Quiet Pro, combining a great feeling with office-friendly clickiness. The system's open-source software is also available for tinkering with, and users will be encouraged to share their tweaks with fellow users online.
As much as you may want one of these, you won't be able to sprint down to your nearest store to buy one. That's because, as always, the company is looking for your patronage on Kickstarter, with $299 securing you a Model 01. If you'd prefer something a bit fancier, then a small group of mahogany-enclosed variants will also be crafted, setting you back $999 a piece.
Shipping is due to commence in April 2016, but if you're not yet sold, there's also the option to try before you buy. Tomorrow (June 16th) will see the company kick off a nationwide tour of hackerspaces and "cool companies" for interested parties. The journey begins in Boston before heading to New York and across 20 major locations before concluding on July 13th in San Francisco. Full details, as well as everything else, can be found at the company's Kickstarter page.

Friday, June 5, 2015

सिर्फ एक माइक्रोचिप एक लाख लीटर पानी को जहर बना देती है

जैसे-जैसे इनसान की जरूरतें बढ़ रही हैं, पर्यावरण का संकट बढ़ रहा है। इसका सबसे बड़ा प्रमाण है ई-वेस्ट यानी मोबाइल, टीवी, फ्रिज और दूसरे गैजेट्स का कचरा। क्या आप जानते हैं कि आज हर हाथ में जो मोबाइल नजर आता है, उससे निकलने वाली एक माइक्रोचिप खुले में फेंक दी जाए तो यह एक लाख लीटर पानी को प्रदूषित कर देती है। अभी अकेले मध्यप्रदेश में हर साल 22,500 टन ई-वेस्ट हर साल निकल रहा है, इसमें एक फीसदी कचरा ही वैज्ञानिक तरीके से नष्ट हो रहा है, बाकी हजारों टन ई-वेस्ट अब भी खुले में कबाड़ी ही नष्ट कर रहे हैं। दिल्ली, नोएडा और कानपुर जैसे शहरों से हर महीने कई टन ई-वेस्ट मध्यप्रदेश में आ रहा है। भूमिगत जल को भी दूषित करता है क्रोमियम एक्सपर्ट डॉ.फजल हुसैन ने बताया कि मोबाइल और लैपटॉप के चिप में हानिकारक तत्व भी होते हैं। कम्प्यूटर मॉनिटर में जहां फ्रंट ग्लास पैनल में फॉस्फोरस पाया जाता है, सर्किट बोर्ड और माइक्रोचिप में लेड की मात्रा सबसे ज्यादा होती है। मदर बोर्ड में पीसीबी चिप में क्रोमियम और लेड होता है। इससे पानी में फेंके जाने पर यह पानी को भी प्रदूषित करता है। इसी यदि गलत तरीके से जमीन में दबा दिया जाए तो यह भूमिगत जल को भी दूषित कर देता है। ई-वेस्ट जलाने से बढ़ रहा खतरा एक्सपर्ट्स के अनुसार ई-वेस्ट को जब तक जलाया जाता है तो यह सबसे ज्यादा नुकसानदायक होता है। हैवी मेटल शरीर में गए तो अस्थमा, कैंसर जैसी बीमारी हो जाती है। रिसाइकिलिंग कंपनियां ई-वेस्ट में हेजार्ड कम्पोनेंट निकालकर उसे इंसीनरेटर में भेज देते हैं। किसमें-क्या हानिकारक तत्व मोबाइल-लैपटॉप,-क्रोमियन, मर्करी कम्प्यूटर मॉनीटर - फॉस्फोरस सर्किट बोर्ड -लेड फ्रिज - ऑयल व टॉक्सिक गैस एलईडी- मर्करी और लेड ...

Chrome will intelligently pause Flash content like auto-playing ads

Few things are more annoying on the internet than auto-playing Flash ads, especially if it has audio. If you don't already have an ad-blocker installed, then you might want to consider getting the upcoming version of Chrome. Google has announced today that it's been working with Adobe to introduce an update to Chrome that will "intelligently pause content that aren't central to the webpage." That means that the browser will automatically halt auto-playing Flash content on the sidebar, for example, but will still let that Flash video in the middle -- arguably the reason you're on that webpage in the first place -- play away. And just in case you do want to watch that ad for whatever reason, you can click it to enable playback.
According to Google, it's doing this to reduce power consumption on laptops, but we can't help but think this is pretty darn useful for anyone who wants a better surfing experience. If you want to try this out for yourself right now, you can go ahead and download the latest desktop beta of Chrome, where it's enabled by default. But if you want to give it a go without doing that, you can actually enable it right now with your existing Chrome browser. Simply go into Settings, select "Show advanced settings," then select the content settings for Privacy and then select "Detect and run important plugin content."

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Dell's latest thin-bezel laptop fronts a wave of new Windows10 devices

After Microsoft recapped all of the major themes from the Build conference at its Computex keynote today, it tried another tactic to promote Windows 10: showing off sexy new devices. Microsoft corporate vice president Nick Parker revealed for the first time a 15-inch version of Dell's XPS with its nearly bezel-less screen; an all-in-one from Acer; a convertible Toshiba notebook; and a mysterious HP tablet. Unfortunately, HP whisked away that new tablet before we could take any photos, but it appeared to work with some sort of keyboard cover. Details on practically all of these devices are nil for now, but we've gotten in touch with all of the respective companies for more. For now, ogle at the pics.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Google Photos cuts out Plus to make the app we really wanted

The most striking part of the just released (on the webiOS and Android) Google Photos is how familiar it feels if you've already been using Photos in Google+, or before that,Picasa. The biggest change I noticed early on is that by separating Photos from its attempt to launch yet another social network, Google is starting focus on stuff that both benefits its users, and that it does well: cloud storage and using information to narrow down searches. Now, it's a perfect fit for how most people use cameras everyday, from the ones in their phones to point-and-shoots (but maybe not your DSLR). With unlimited storage and machine learning that can link photos by the people in them or where they were taken it's ready to make sense of your massive image library..
The tagline is "organized by what matters" and it refers to Photos ability to pull together geotagging information (if available) or just look at your pictures and figure out where they were taken by the landmarks in them. Most importantly, this information is private -- Photos is a private library where you can curate and edit your pictures, and then share as needed. That said, it is creepily good at identifying people (you can turn that off in the settings), even if it doesn't know who they really are. With my photos, it tracked pictures of my nieces as they grew over several years and still identified them accurately. According to the FAQ, it uses "face models" to group similar photos together. Its ability to ID objects wasn't quite as good -- apparently many of my shoes register as cars or buildings, but it was mostly on point.
One element I liked was its ability to create a sharable link to a picture, which you can then go back and kill later without deleting the photo, or just track which links have been created. Of course, it's also ready to share pictures directly to services like Twitter and Facebook (or Google+) without a problem. A Google Now-like "Assistant" feature tips you off when the app is ready to build out a new collection or collage, and even has the familiar cards setup.
Many of the features that were introduced on Google+ are here too, like Auto Awesomethat quickly tweaks images to look their best and highlight faces, create animations from a series of successive shots or automatically create Stories from a place or event. By pulling these features out of Google+, it makes them more logical to use even if the friends you'll be sharing them to are on a different service. The usual light photo editing tools are also included, like cropping or adjusting levels.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

What to expect from Google I/O today

Android will take center stage, but there's so much more
Google's I/O 2015 conference starts Thursday with a monster 2.5-hour keynote. Android M, the next major version of Google's mobile operating system, is likely to lead the way. You can expect Google to run through its usual showcase of Android's latest and greatest features on stage, and it's likely the company will shine a similar spotlight on Android Wear and Android Auto.

Android M: Google's own I/O schedule confirmed that we'll be seeing a new version of Android at the keynote. After giving Android a huge visual overhaul with Lollipop, we expect the next iteration to focus on refining Material Design further, squashing bugs, and improving performance. More powerful voice controls are likely on the agenda, and knowing Google, the company will probably also boast about longer-than-ever battery life. If the company follows last year's pattern, we'll have to wait a few months before finding out what the "M" stands for. But on the plus side, it's likely you'll be able to install a preview build of Android for Nexus 6 very soon after the keynote wraps.

More privacy controls: Earlier this month, Bloomberg reported that Google is planning to give Android users greater control over apps and exactly what data they're able to access (location, contacts, photos, et cetera). Android already presents a list of requested permissions whenever you download an app from Google Play, but this approach will reportedly be adjusted to let users "pick and choose what an app can access."

Fingerprints: Last week, BuzzFeed reported that Android M will introduce full-fledged support for fingerprint authentication, letting users log into apps like Gmail and Google Drive with the press of a thumb. The Galaxy S6 proved that fingerprint scanners on Android phones don't have to suck, and soon they'll be even better. Expect Google to embrace this and move closer to offering its own take on Apple's Touch ID; obviously manufacturers will need to include the hardware on their phones and tablets, but the deep-level support will make that decision far easier.

Android Wear: It was just over one year ago when Google unveiled a version of Android designed for your wrist. Since then, the company has been working rapidly to bring new features and improvements to Android Wear. The roster of devices running Google's wearables OS has steadily grown in the last year, though we're still waiting for the second iteration of Motorola's Moto 360. The timing is almost right, but an I/O debut is by no means guaranteed.

Android Auto: Similarly, Google will likely have plenty to say about its mission of putting Android into cars. Automaker partnerships are critical to that effort, so Google could have some news to share there. Over the last year, we've also seen rumors that Google has loftier ambitions that go far beyond the tacked-on experience offered by Android Auto (and Apple's CarPlay) today. But I/O will likely be more about building more momentum for the current product.

Android Pay: Isis (Softcard) is dead, and no one is benefitting from that more than Google. The company has formed a deep partnership with Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile — something that was unthinkable just a few years ago — to make Google Wallet the new standard for mobile payments on Android devices. We expect to hear more about Google's grand vision for taking on the wallet (and Apple Pay) at I/O. Whether the Google Wallet brand will stick around is unclear, as Google may opt for a simpler, familiar name in Android Pay.

Google Photos: Google is breaking out one of Google+'s best features into its own product.We expect Google Photos to carry forward some of the existing service's best ideas (automatic GIFs and "Auto Awesome" photo enhancements) while trying to appeal to a broader market of consumers. Shedding the Google+ connection is one great way to accomplish that. How much will it cost? Right now Google offers unlimited storage of regular-sized images for free, and it's one of our favorite photo backup options as a result. The stand-alone version just might top our list.
Project Fi: Google is now a mobile phone carrier — if you happen to own a Nexus 6. With Project Fi invites slowly trickling out, I/O presents the company with another good opportunity to demonstrate the pay-for-what-you-use phone service that seamlessly hops between Wi-Fi and two major US networks (Sprint and T-Mobile).
Internet of Things: With mobile devices, wearables, and automobiles already checked off, Google will reportedly next turn its attention to household appliances. The company is said to be planning a big entry into the Internet of Things, and at I/O we're expecting to hear more about the software Google has created to control all of these various low-power gadgets.

Cardboard: Is virtual reality becoming more than a fun experiment for Google? Last month's announcement of the Works with Cardboard program shows that Mountain View is looking to the future with its answer to the Oculus Rift and Samsung's own VR project. But experience is key, and so far Google hasn't really produced any compelling reasons for strapping a smartphone onto your face. I/O should provide some clues as to how serious Google is about virtual reality — or whether it'll forever remain a side pursuit.

Google Cast: The $35 Chromecast is one of the best devices that Google has ever made, and it's led developers to quickly embrace the company's AirPlay rival. With video pretty well covered, Google has recently put a bigger emphasis on music with the introduction of Google Cast for Audio. The I/O stage seems a natural place to reveal new speakers that support Google's tech. And a Chromecast 2 seems inevitable; the only question is when.
Chrome: It's no secret that Android and Chrome OS are moving toward one another. And while they're likely to remain separate for the foreseeable future, Google has every interest in making its operating systems play nice together. You can bet the company will demonstrate the benefits of this cohesive strategy that blends the web and mobile. I/O could also produce some surprise Chromebook announcements ahead of back-to-school season.