Monday, June 15, 2015

Here's where to watch Microsoft's Xbox event at E3 2015

If you're an Xbox fan, today is the day you've been waiting for. Microsoft's getting ready to show us what's next for the platform, live from E3 2015 in Los Angeles. Will we learn additional details about Halo 5​: Guardians? There's a good chance. Or, perhaps, the company plans to talk more about its recently announced partnership with Oculus -- new VR experiences? Either way, you can watch it all unfold via TwitchYouTube or the Xbox E3 website. For your convenience, there's an embed after the break, but don't forget to join our liveblog, where we'll be bringing you the news as it happens. The event starts at 12:30PM ET.

$299 buys you the ergonomic keyboard your wrists deserve

There are plenty of ergonomic keyboards, but the creators of Keyboardio believe that theirs is the only one that a serious typist should buy. It's been created by Jesse Vincent, a name familiar to anyone involved with the Perl community, who has spent more than two years researching the most comfortable way to type words. That's why the hardware comes in this exaggerated butterfly-style layout with heavily customized keycaps covering mechanical keys. Surrounding the outside is a maple wood exterior that, Vincent believes, makes it the first computer accessory made to "heirloom grade."

Open-source and customization are at the heart of everything behind the Keyboardio, so you can set the Model 01 at a variety of heights or split the two halves completely, should you choose. Beneath each of the custom keycaps you'll find a programmable LED as well as a mechanical keyswitch from Canadian company Matias. In fact, these are the same switches that you'll find in that company's Quiet Pro, combining a great feeling with office-friendly clickiness. The system's open-source software is also available for tinkering with, and users will be encouraged to share their tweaks with fellow users online.
As much as you may want one of these, you won't be able to sprint down to your nearest store to buy one. That's because, as always, the company is looking for your patronage on Kickstarter, with $299 securing you a Model 01. If you'd prefer something a bit fancier, then a small group of mahogany-enclosed variants will also be crafted, setting you back $999 a piece.
Shipping is due to commence in April 2016, but if you're not yet sold, there's also the option to try before you buy. Tomorrow (June 16th) will see the company kick off a nationwide tour of hackerspaces and "cool companies" for interested parties. The journey begins in Boston before heading to New York and across 20 major locations before concluding on July 13th in San Francisco. Full details, as well as everything else, can be found at the company's Kickstarter page.

Friday, June 5, 2015

सिर्फ एक माइक्रोचिप एक लाख लीटर पानी को जहर बना देती है

जैसे-जैसे इनसान की जरूरतें बढ़ रही हैं, पर्यावरण का संकट बढ़ रहा है। इसका सबसे बड़ा प्रमाण है ई-वेस्ट यानी मोबाइल, टीवी, फ्रिज और दूसरे गैजेट्स का कचरा। क्या आप जानते हैं कि आज हर हाथ में जो मोबाइल नजर आता है, उससे निकलने वाली एक माइक्रोचिप खुले में फेंक दी जाए तो यह एक लाख लीटर पानी को प्रदूषित कर देती है। अभी अकेले मध्यप्रदेश में हर साल 22,500 टन ई-वेस्ट हर साल निकल रहा है, इसमें एक फीसदी कचरा ही वैज्ञानिक तरीके से नष्ट हो रहा है, बाकी हजारों टन ई-वेस्ट अब भी खुले में कबाड़ी ही नष्ट कर रहे हैं। दिल्ली, नोएडा और कानपुर जैसे शहरों से हर महीने कई टन ई-वेस्ट मध्यप्रदेश में आ रहा है। भूमिगत जल को भी दूषित करता है क्रोमियम एक्सपर्ट डॉ.फजल हुसैन ने बताया कि मोबाइल और लैपटॉप के चिप में हानिकारक तत्व भी होते हैं। कम्प्यूटर मॉनिटर में जहां फ्रंट ग्लास पैनल में फॉस्फोरस पाया जाता है, सर्किट बोर्ड और माइक्रोचिप में लेड की मात्रा सबसे ज्यादा होती है। मदर बोर्ड में पीसीबी चिप में क्रोमियम और लेड होता है। इससे पानी में फेंके जाने पर यह पानी को भी प्रदूषित करता है। इसी यदि गलत तरीके से जमीन में दबा दिया जाए तो यह भूमिगत जल को भी दूषित कर देता है। ई-वेस्ट जलाने से बढ़ रहा खतरा एक्सपर्ट्स के अनुसार ई-वेस्ट को जब तक जलाया जाता है तो यह सबसे ज्यादा नुकसानदायक होता है। हैवी मेटल शरीर में गए तो अस्थमा, कैंसर जैसी बीमारी हो जाती है। रिसाइकिलिंग कंपनियां ई-वेस्ट में हेजार्ड कम्पोनेंट निकालकर उसे इंसीनरेटर में भेज देते हैं। किसमें-क्या हानिकारक तत्व मोबाइल-लैपटॉप,-क्रोमियन, मर्करी कम्प्यूटर मॉनीटर - फॉस्फोरस सर्किट बोर्ड -लेड फ्रिज - ऑयल व टॉक्सिक गैस एलईडी- मर्करी और लेड ...

Chrome will intelligently pause Flash content like auto-playing ads

Few things are more annoying on the internet than auto-playing Flash ads, especially if it has audio. If you don't already have an ad-blocker installed, then you might want to consider getting the upcoming version of Chrome. Google has announced today that it's been working with Adobe to introduce an update to Chrome that will "intelligently pause content that aren't central to the webpage." That means that the browser will automatically halt auto-playing Flash content on the sidebar, for example, but will still let that Flash video in the middle -- arguably the reason you're on that webpage in the first place -- play away. And just in case you do want to watch that ad for whatever reason, you can click it to enable playback.
According to Google, it's doing this to reduce power consumption on laptops, but we can't help but think this is pretty darn useful for anyone who wants a better surfing experience. If you want to try this out for yourself right now, you can go ahead and download the latest desktop beta of Chrome, where it's enabled by default. But if you want to give it a go without doing that, you can actually enable it right now with your existing Chrome browser. Simply go into Settings, select "Show advanced settings," then select the content settings for Privacy and then select "Detect and run important plugin content."

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Dell's latest thin-bezel laptop fronts a wave of new Windows10 devices

After Microsoft recapped all of the major themes from the Build conference at its Computex keynote today, it tried another tactic to promote Windows 10: showing off sexy new devices. Microsoft corporate vice president Nick Parker revealed for the first time a 15-inch version of Dell's XPS with its nearly bezel-less screen; an all-in-one from Acer; a convertible Toshiba notebook; and a mysterious HP tablet. Unfortunately, HP whisked away that new tablet before we could take any photos, but it appeared to work with some sort of keyboard cover. Details on practically all of these devices are nil for now, but we've gotten in touch with all of the respective companies for more. For now, ogle at the pics.